вторник, 28 августа 2012 г.

Sweet energy of flowers

       How many kinds of honey do you know? Two, three? Actually there are dozens  of them. The tastes and quality of honey depend upon the time when the bees work: May or Midsummer. They depend, of course, upon trees and flowers where bees collect. And one more important factor – the geographical area where these plants grow, its soil, air, water regime.

      Each year a honey market is organized in Moscow, hundreds of beekeepers participate in these markets. Usually honey pavilions occupy grand areas in a recreational zones of national historical parks. One can find there a great variety of honey, of different colors – from dark amber to milk white, of wide variety of consistency – from  warm chocolate to toffee, and of different tastes – sweet, sweet and sourish, sweet  with bitterness (as a chestnut honey).

        There one can find also a honey with an ambrosia, which is highly rich with vitamins.
Accurately chosen honey can have an efficient therapeutic effect: for kidney,  heart, eyes, etc. One kind of honey relaxes, the other helps to support intensive activity.
       One spoon of high quality honey three times a day will give you energy of plants and provide your health and activity.

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