понедельник, 27 августа 2012 г.

Can we use the energy of flowers?

       Why many of us feel an enormous pleasure looking at roses? And why we look at  some flowers quitе indifferently? We chose meticulously a  bouquet for our beloved ones. Of course, we are attracted by a beauty of roses, tulips, golden-daisies. We also admire a lot of quite simple plants, as forget-me-nots. What attract us in flowers? Only their beauty, freshness and fragrance? 
      Why our ancient predecessors attributed a magic force to particular plants? Druids chose the mistletoe, some African tribes worshiped maize. If we read the Bible with more attention we’ll find that the fig-tree played an important role in dramatic events both of the Old and New Testaments.  Lilies are honored in Koran. A cult of plants exists in Buddhism, the fig-tree is esteemed particularly as a World tree. 


        Shintoism is one of those religions which gives the answer – in a poetic form – why flowers influence us so intensively and differently. According to Shintiosm everything including plants has a soul.
            Fritz-Albert Popp, an outstanding German researcher in  biophysics, called this    phenomenon energetic vibrations.  The energy of a flower interacts with the energy of a human being or an animal deeply influencing his or her mind and organism.
         The trick is how to identify those plants which are good for us and can help us in this very moment.

(To be continued)

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