пятница, 31 августа 2012 г.

A True Story about Whispering Grass and Animals

The Whispering Grass
Margaret Bemister
Once, many long years ago, there was a green hill covered with long grass, which whispered and talked as the wind blew through it. It was the great friend of all the animals, especially the wild deer, the gray wolf, and the fox.
One summer day the whispering grass was very excited. The south wind had brought strange news to it, and now, as the sun rose up to noonday, they could see this strange thing for themselves. It meant great danger to their friends the animals, and they must send a message to warn them. So the grass called to the butterflies, and told them to go at once to the deer, the wolf, and the fox, and tell them to come to the green hill. Away flew the butterflies, and soon the animals had gathered to hear what this message might mean.
"Listen, my brothers," said the whispering grass. "There is great danger for you this day, for across the prairie there comes a band of hunters to take your lives."
"Hunters? What are they?" asked the animals. "We have never heard of such things."
"They are Indians," returned the grass, "with bows and arrows--deadly arrows that will pierce your hearts. These hunters are very near, and once they see you they will shoot their arrows at you, and that is your end."
"What must we do?" asked the animals. "You are wise, whispering grass; tell us what we may do to save ourselves."
"Go to your homes," answered the grass, "and remain there until sundown to-morrow. If all is safe, I shall send my messengers, the butterflies, to you at that hour to tell you to come to me."
The animals did as they were commanded, and by the time the hunters reached the foot of the hill, there was nothing living to be seen but some dainty butterflies that hovered above the grass. The remainder of that day and all the next the hunters searched for game in the hills, but not a deer could they see, not a wolf, not a fox. In the late afternoon they returned to their camp at the foot of the hill. They were tired and very hungry, for they had not brought food with them, as they expected to find game.
"Let us return," said one hunter. "There is no game in this land, and I am hungry. Let us go back to our village."
"Not so," said the second hunter. "Let us wait until to-morrow. Perhaps to-morrow we shall see game."
"Yes, let us wait until to-morrow," said a third hunter, "and to-night we shall eat grass. See, yonder is a hill well covered with grass. If the animals eat it, why can not we?"
"But it is whispering grass," said the first hunter, in a low voice. "And he who eats of whispering grass can no longer kill anything with his arrows."
"Not so, brother," said the second hunter. "It is not whispering grass. Listen; there is a west wind blowing through it, and yet we can hear no sound of whispering."
They all listened intently, and as the second hunter had said, there was no sound of whispering. The wind was waving the grass blades and bending them low, and not a sound came from them.
"You are right. It is not whispering grass," said the first hunter, "and I am hungry; let us eat."
So they all gathered many handfuls of the green grass, and putting it into a pot, they boiled it, then gathering around the pot, they ate the grass with much relish. Then, rolling themselves in their deerskins, they fell asleep.
It was now the sunset hour; so, calling the butterflies to it, the whispering grass gave them a message for the animals.
"Go to your brothers," it said, "and tell them all is safe now; that at sunrise to-morrow morning they may come forth from their homes and wander as usual among the hills. Their enemies, the hunters, will try to shoot them with their arrows, but they must not be afraid, for now these arrows can never touch them."

среда, 29 августа 2012 г.

Parks of Alhambra - a unique landscape design

     Alhambra- is a magnificent fortress and parks, founded by Mohammed I in XIII century. This site became a royal residence in XV-XVI centuries. In 1984 Alhambra was included in the UNESCO list of the world cultural heritage.
     Parks of Alhambra present a unique creation of the landscape design art. In a divine way they comишту regular classical gardens (which were developed in XVIII century), English parks (which seem close to nature and became popular since XIX century) and daedal asymmetric Eastern gardens, known from the ancient hanging gardens of Babylon
     It seems amazingly that the beauty of Alhambra parks are created mostly with rather common flowers: daisies, marigolds, nasturtiums.

вторник, 28 августа 2012 г.

Sweet energy of flowers

       How many kinds of honey do you know? Two, three? Actually there are dozens  of them. The tastes and quality of honey depend upon the time when the bees work: May or Midsummer. They depend, of course, upon trees and flowers where bees collect. And one more important factor – the geographical area where these plants grow, its soil, air, water regime.

      Each year a honey market is organized in Moscow, hundreds of beekeepers participate in these markets. Usually honey pavilions occupy grand areas in a recreational zones of national historical parks. One can find there a great variety of honey, of different colors – from dark amber to milk white, of wide variety of consistency – from  warm chocolate to toffee, and of different tastes – sweet, sweet and sourish, sweet  with bitterness (as a chestnut honey).

понедельник, 27 августа 2012 г.

Can we use the energy of flowers?

       Why many of us feel an enormous pleasure looking at roses? And why we look at  some flowers quitе indifferently? We chose meticulously a  bouquet for our beloved ones. Of course, we are attracted by a beauty of roses, tulips, golden-daisies. We also admire a lot of quite simple plants, as forget-me-nots. What attract us in flowers? Only their beauty, freshness and fragrance? 
      Why our ancient predecessors attributed a magic force to particular plants? Druids chose the mistletoe, some African tribes worshiped maize. If we read the Bible with more attention we’ll find that the fig-tree played an important role in dramatic events both of the Old and New Testaments.  Lilies are honored in Koran. A cult of plants exists in Buddhism, the fig-tree is esteemed particularly as a World tree. 


четверг, 23 августа 2012 г.

How to make a pond?


      Today one can find a lot of methods and relevant techniques how to make a pond, a lake, a fountain, even a waterfall. However, in a considerable part of the world such a water area will be covered with ice for quite a long period of time. For those who have no winter garden with a basin we can recommend this very simple solution. You will need a ceramic pot, soil in a plastic container, water plants, water, of course. And - the key factor - fantasy. 

понедельник, 20 августа 2012 г.

Playing with the sun beam.

      Let's imagine a late summer morning, you take a cup of delicious coffee and step down into  your garden.You say "hello" to your plants, which you cherish and take care of. And suddenly you see them in anoter image in a beam of the sun, which in August is a little lower than in July. You see how flowers are getting a magic look. They are indeed can be an inexhaustible source of inspiration! 

воскресенье, 19 августа 2012 г.

Why Freya's Garden?

      Freya was an experienced and skillful magician. She could fly. Sometimes she moved in sky in a chariot driven by two sweet cats. Fying over the earth she sprayed the morning early dew and  summer sun light. Spring flowers poured down from her golden curls. Her tears fell down in the sea and became pieces of amber.

      So, it's quite obvious now that Freya is involved in cherishing of our gardens :-))

Why I decided to start this blog

     Why I decided to start this blog?
     I love and deeply respect nature. For quite a long time our mentality was anthropocentric and even now, when our views of human beings & nature relationships drastically changed, we do not feel that we are a part of nature, and every negative modification in  the nature makes an impetus on us in any way. Yes, our lives can not be complete without the energy which trees, flowers, rivers, animals give us.  
      Most of us live in an artificial environment, full of techniques, electronics, climate control, rafined food. However, not being able to exist without modern comfort, we’d like to have nature in our life. We plant flowers in our rooms, on balconies, in tiny gardens. These plants, exotic or quite simple, give us their energy, make our life more beautiful and exciting.