воскресенье, 23 сентября 2012 г.

Sunny presents. Welcoming neighbors - the main thing of life in a new place


      People often are afraid to change a place of living, particularly to an another country, because they do not want feel themselves as newcomers who have no roots and no friends. To find new friends is a very important factor for having a psycological comfort. 
      How to communicate with local folks if you do not speak the language well ? This difficulty can be easily overcome. Of course it's necessary to start learning local language. However, as a first step remember some phrases, how to say "hello", "please", "thank you". Be friendly and do not hesitate to say that you only started to learn language. 
      We are lucky to have very welcoming neighbors who  came just to say "Hello", listend what we tried to tell them, did'n understand anything,  presented a bag of wonderful grapes from their vineyard and explained with gestures that if we need something we ca come to them for  help.

My daughter can hardly hold the bag with wonderful grapes

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